Ruth Chabay North Carolina State University Computing in the Introductory Physics Course Traditionally the introductory calculus-based physics course has focused only on problems that can be solved analytically with algebra and basic calculus. In mechanics, this emphasis on a restricted set of problems with known solutions does not let students experience the power of the Newtonian synthesis, which allows the open-ended prediction of motion into the future, given initial conditions and interaction laws. In E&M, it restricts field calculations to special cases. The Matter & Interactions curriculum includes computation as an integral part of both the mechanics and E&M semesters. Students at NC State and other institutions using this curriculum write computer programs to predict and animate in 3D the behavior of interacting systems, and to calculate and display electric and magnetic fields in 3D. The introduction of computing into the curriculum raises a number of questions, including how to design highly efficient and effective instruction on computing, and how to identify and deal with the particular difficulties students have with computing in the context of physics. I will report on studies focusing on these issues in the context of mechanics, and will describe their impact on this component of instruction.