In probe_60_120.c do the following: 1) Add the declaration short load_only = 0; to the top of main. This is flag used in the following if statements. I don't remember why, but initializing it to 0 is essential. 2) Replace the current "Yoh!!! Make a choice" panel with the one I've posted at . 3) Find this block of code (around line 700 in my copy): while (idohv==-1) { DisplayPanel(init_handle); GetUserEvent(1,&panel_hdl,&id); if (id == PROBE_INIT_INITIALOK) { GetCtrlVal(init_handle,PROBE_INIT_INITIALSTATE,&idohv); } } HidePanel (init_handle); and change it to while (idohv==-1) { DisplayPanel(init_handle); GetUserEvent(1,&panel_hdl,&id); if (id == PROBE_INIT_INITIALOK) { GetCtrlVal(init_handle,PROBE_INIT_INITIALSTATE,&idohv); } else if (id == PROBE_INIT_LOAD_ONLY) { load_only = 1; idohv = 0; } } HidePanel (init_handle); if (! load_only) { //Added to allow mode for loading saves without init'ing eqptmnt Put the closing brace of this if statement right after this block of code (around line 920 in my version): /******************0 End Initialyze equipment ***************************/ SetWaitCursor (0); GetUserEvent (1, &hdl, &item); DiscardPanel (start_handle); 3) A few lines farther down, you will see DisplayPanel (plot_hdl); DisplayPanel (graph_hdl); after which you need to add if (! load_only) { SetInputMode (graph_hdl, PROBE_GRAP_STOP, 0); DisplayPanel (para_hdl); /*SetPanelPos (para_hdl, VAL_AUTO_CENTER, VAL_AUTO_CENTER);*/ } (Actually, I think the statements inside the if were there before; you may just need to enclose them in the if statment.) 4) Find case PROBE_GRAP_STOP : break_cond = 1; break; and change it to case PROBE_GRAP_STOP : //Added 2/9/98 DRF if (load_only) { return 1; //Terminates program immediately -- Nothing was initialized, //so nothing's hurt. } break_cond = 1; break; 5) Find case PROBE_PARA_STOP and change it to this (I don't remember what it looked like before): case PROBE_PARA_STOP : if (! load_only) idohv = -1; while (idohv==-1) { DisplayPanel(init_handle); //Hide "Load Only" button since it's meaningless at shut-down. SetCtrlAttribute(init_handle,PROBE_INIT_LOAD_ONLY,ATT\ R_VISIBLE,0); GetUserEvent(1,&panel_hdl,&id); if (id == PROBE_INIT_INITIALOK) { GetCtrlVal(init_handle,PROBE_INIT_INITIALSTATE,&idohv); } } DiscardPanel (init_handle); { if (idohv==1) { SetCtrlVal (para_hdl, PROBE_PARA_STATUS, "Ramping down the HV"); set_voltage (-10.); Fmt (result,"%s