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HEP/Astro Journal Club -- 9 March 2001

Finite temperature transition and string tensions in SU(4) Yang-Mills theory

Matt Wingate (OSU)


SU(N) Yang-Mills theories provide insight into aspects of QCD and are interesting in their own right. Given some apparent odd features of the QCD phase transition, we undertook a lattice Monte Carlo study of finite temperature SU(4) gauge theory. In my talk I'll present results for the deconfinement transition and string tensions.


M. Wingate and S. Ohta, ``Deconfinement transition and string tensions in SU(4) Yang-Mills theory,'' hep-lat/0006016.

12:30, Smith Lab 4079

George T. Fleming ( gfleming@mps.ohio-state.edu ), last updated 23 February 2001.

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