Hi everyone, I started archiving some of the data from the beam tests off of the OSU DAQ computer. For now I am just copying it to the CASTOR system at CERN, which I think puts it on tape along with staging it to disk when needed. Help on using CASTOR is here: http://castor.web.cern.ch/castor/ The location of the data is: /castor/cern.ch/user/t/tbx5ccdr/ Accessing the data is really quite easy. To see what is there, do: rfdir /castor/cern.ch/user/t/tbx5ccdr/ To copy a file: rfcp /castor/cern.ch/user/t/tbx5ccdr/run000236.dat . CASTOR also let's you just run directly on the files (such as from Root or PAW), but if you write your own program you need to link in the RFIO package. Be careful, as the files are quite large! I unpacked them into their native ASCII format (they were gzipped) so that they were most useful to programs. They are not in the binary format of the SliceTest code though. The files there correspond to some TTCRx scanning runs and some CFEB timing runs of a day ago. We'll have to develop a system on how to routinely copy data as part of the shift exercise. Right now I did a non-optimized approach of dumping the data to my laptop and then downloading it to lxplus. Moreover, we need to get some good tools (grid tools?) to copy the data back to the U.S. The default network connection is quote poor (at least to Florida). Any volunteers? Happy analyzing! Darin